Image from Metaphors in American Politics
Students read a story about the dropping of the atomic bombs at the end of WWII. They then fill out a knowledge ranking worksheet in which they write down four things they learned from the story and rank them in order of what what best for America. Students then go to my blog and write an entry answering the question, “Was America justified in dropping atomic bombs on Japan?” After posting students respond to at least one other student’s post.
TIPC Ratings
Though this lesson could be modified to include Research and Information Fluency, this lesson does not currently focus on this category.
Developing – Students were required to respond to peer posts including facutal information to support their comments.
Approaching – Students listed four things they learned from the reading then rank ordered them. Students justified their choices in the blog post they wrote.
Developing – students used their own knowledge to write their own orginal thoughts concerning the justification (or not) for the American bombing of Japan during World War I..