REAL to REEL – 7566


Students learning about World War II will create a 1940s style newsreel video to teach others about the important events of WWII. They will use a list of thirteen events and research facts about them and then present them in a propaganda style film in Windows Movie Maker.

TIPC Ratings

The teacher will facilitate the research process by providing students with the opportunity to research specific events in order to create the final product. Students will be engaged in their own research and they will use this research to create the newsreel. Students will need to locate information they find online, determine the relevance of the information, and then synthesize that information to write a script for the task.

Teacher will monitor student performance by assisting with questions and reviewing the information students have gathered but not directly supervising while students are researching. The teacher will also show students how to collaborate purposefully by modeling the first event with students. The teacher will then show students several ways they can break up the workload while leaving the ultimate decision to the students. It will be up to each team to establish their groups and each member’s role within the group in order to research their information, write their script, gather pictures, and piece their newsreel together.

The teacher will assist and support students as they ask questions and then research answers to those questions using the internet for research by reviewing information gathered and then discussing it’s importance with students. Students will have to figure out what is important about each event and how those events affected the war by generating and responding to purposeful questions. They will then have to justify their decision making about the important facts to me as I monitoring their progress.

The teacher is facilitating students in their learning process and has provided a challenging and engaging lesson to keep students entertained, involved, and learning all while using their creativity to present the information they have researched. The teacher will facilitate by providing a lesson where students are free to use their creativity to present information they have discovered through research. After this research, students will synthesize their self-generated knowledge to create their newsreel.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Project Outline for Students
  • Student Sample 1
  • Student Sample 2
  • Student Planning Document

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