Invading the Bay – 7121


In our effort to develop problem based learning activities for our students, the fifth grade team posed an authentic task for students to consider. “You are out fishing and you catch a strange looking fish. No one on the boat can identify it. You take pictures of it and release it. When you get home, you look it up and find it is a fish native to Korea. How did it get here? Are there other invaders? What impact is it having on the native species of the Chesapeake Bay watershed? How is the ecosystem impacted by this imbalance? What businesses are impacted by this imbalance?”
The students worked in teams to research an invasive species and use the information they gathered to analyze the threat to the environment. This analysis led the students to take a stand as to whether a species should be managed or eradicated. Each team chose a presentation tool to support their assertions.

TIPC Ratings

Ideal – Students were charged with researching and organizing information to complete an authentic task. The students had a list of websites from which they could choose and had books, videos and articles to work with as well. A guest speaker was invited and students had the opportunity to generate questions to ask which would help their research. Students synthesized their information and assembled their information in a presentation form.

Ideal- Students chose appropriate digital tools to facilitate communication by selecting a project that best suited their needs and interest. Some tools were computer based and others were online collaboration tools which their group could facilitate their project. Projects were presented to the class where a positive glow or grow could be given to the groups.

Approaching- Students were required to justify their decision-making within their groups and/or partners while creating their presentations. Students had to create a list of invasive species and create a bank of questions which groups could think about and potential problems that could be solved.

Approaching- The students showed creativity and innovation in choosing the digital tool that best suited the audience to be persuaded about their research and solutions. The students created an innovative solution for the management or eradication of an invasive species of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Student Artifact

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Save The Bay

  • Lesson Plan
  • Artifacts
  • Websites

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