#InstaAnthropomorphicQuads – 8169


This lesson is designed to endear students with an increased level of relativity to the unique properties of each type of quadrilateral, by asking students to envision them anthropomorphically.  Spanning two ninety minutes blocks, students research, create, share and comment on, Instagram profiles which lend human-like qualities, emotions, and ambitions to the following quadrilaterals: Parallelogram, Rectangle, Rhombus, Square, Trapezoid, Isosceles Trapezoid, and Kite. Each profile is to be “life-like,” developing a persona for the shape by interacting with friends and followers through Instagram style posts about itself. Each student chosen group selects two quadrilateral types to create posts for by either making real instagram profiles, using the provided instagram template in Google Drawing, or choosing to develop their own from scratch. Students post their Instagram profiles to a class blog, allowing them to easily search different quadrilaterals, comment on classmates’ creativity, and enjoyably reinforce their understanding of quadrilateral properties. Students view the blog and use a Google Form to complete peer reviews and a self assessment.

TIPC Ratings

Ideal – Teacher facilitates an authentic task that promotes students’ synthesis of information to be organized and applied appropriately. Student groups form questions and seek discovery in anthropomorphizing quadrilateral’s properties.  Students use Google Drive to collaboratively research and organize information. Students select the most appropriate digital tools in creating their profiles.

Approaching – Students form their own teams and organize roles based on each other’s talents to address an authentic task.  Student groups use Google Drive to share and collaborate equally.  At the conclusion of the project, the teacher facilitates student communication through commenting on posts in the class blog, and evaluating all student’s projects using Google Forms.

Target – The lesson  asks student to think critically and problem solve to answer the question “Based on their properties, what are possible anthropomorphic traits for each of the quadrilaterals?”  Students use their understanding of each geometric shape’s properties to not only apply anthropomorphic traits to quadrilaterals, but also predict how they might interact with each other.  Students must justify the decision making of anthropomorphic traits with understanding of the properties of each shape.  Throughout the lesson, the teacher formatively assesses students Creativity, Quality, and Factuality, and students reflect on their critical thinking by completing the Peer Review Google Form.

Approaching – Students create original profiles within and beyond the parameters provided. They apply their knowledge and creativity to create real-world scenarios in humanizing the quadrilaterals.  This creates more memorable experiences and require students to think “outside the box” for a mathematical concept that may not have previously been seen in that light. The teacher models craftsmanship by creating the instagram template and still offers room to work beyond or outside of it.   Throughout the lesson, the teacher formatively assesses students Creativity and Quality within the project rubric, while the students reflect on their critical thinking in a Peer Review Google Form.

Student Artifact


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