Crime Alert!


Public awareness is essential to preventing crime. In this lesson, students will collaborate as part of a group to create a public service announcement to educate and inform others about a specific type of crime The students will divide into groups and pick a type of crime to research. They will determine what information is important to educating others. They will cite all resources. After completing their research, the students will create a Public Service Announcement (presentation, commercial, poster, etc.) to advise the community about their type of crime. As a culminating activity, students will present their PSA to the class and others from school. Student will assess other group presentations and provide feedback to those groups. Students will reflect on their presentations based upon the evaluations of the other groups and their teacher

TIPC Ratings

After discussing the project, students established their groups and topics of research. Students chose to include in their PSA a description of the crime, statistics about the crime, and ways to avoid being a victim of that type of crime. These topics helped drive their research. Students researched sites in order to obtain the information they would need to create a public service announcement about their type of crime. Students evaluated sites to find the most appropriate sites to obtain reliable information and cited their information. Their PSA’s will be used to inform others about the type of crime and how to avoid becoming a victim.

Students established their own groups and decided on the topic they would like to research. Each group researched using the Internet to find pertinent information. Groups had to discuss and decide what information they needed to use and how to use it.

Students worked together as a group to create their public service announcement. Students assumed different roles in creating the presentation based upon their individual skills and parameters of the assignment.

Students were able to evaluate the other groups PSA’s in order to provide feedback. They also reflected on their roles in their group and the evaluations from the other groups and the teacher in order to learn and grow for future lessons.

All documents were stored in Google Docs and shared. This allowed students to have access to them in class and elsewhere. The students and teacher could also leave comments for other group members to look at and evaluate while they were not in class.

As students worked on this lesson, it was decided to contact School Counseling to see if the PSA’s could be used for small group discussions. School counselors said they would love to use these lessons to facilitate discussion.

Students generated questions to help drive their research. Groups justified what information was pertinent to include in their public service announcement.

Groups had to choose the digital media they wanted to use to create their public service announcement. They did this based upon prior knowledge and use of digital tools. Experts arose from the students that helped all groups instead of just his/her individual group.

Some students helped others when their was a lack of expertise.

Students evaluated each other in a meaningful way and reflected on the evaluations of the other students. All students assessed their choice of media and their use of information in the presentation. Students reflected on their role in their groups. Students discussed ways to improve not only this lesson but themselves to be better presenters in the future.

Groups researched and created their public service announcement using the digital media of their choice. These authentic tasks will be used by School Counseling for their small group discussions.

Once groups had their information, they decided on what information they wanted to include in their public service announcement.

Students had to determine what digital media they wanted to use based on prior knowledge and their topic. Students chose to use the following digital media: Movie Maker, Spaaze Wall, and Presentation in Google Docs.

Students creatively selected music and pictures that would help describe and give their presentation a voice. Students were encouraged to express their information in a creative manner.

Students reflected on their announcements, citing what they liked and what they thought needed to be improved on for future lessons.

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