Art In The 1900’s – Lesson 7560


In this lesson, students will be asked to apply for a job as a museum curator. They will be split into groups of two and work as a team to create a gallery walk as part of the interview process. The students were given a timeframe within the 1900’s to explore and asked to make connections between the art and the history of the time period.  They will research three popular artists during their specific time period and create a gallery that includes three images using the Google Cultural Institute.  In addition to the images they will include a short written description of how the art was influenced by the history, their personal understanding of the art, and the similarity and variations between the three pieces. Each group will then present their gallery to the museum board of human resources.


TIPC Ratings

In this lesson students were asked to research a given time period to find a historic event and then locate artists that embodied that event in their artwork.  Students then had to synthesize that information in the creation of the Gallery using the Google Cultural Institute.  Students then presented their findings to the rest of the class.


In this lesson students worked in groups of two to complete both the research and the Gallery in the Google Cultural Institute. They worked in teacher selected groups that had defined roles. The final product of the lesson required students to communicate with the class as a whole.

In this lesson students were engaged in an authentic task that required them to conduct research, synthesized that research, and made decisions based on that research within the creation of the Gallery. In addition they were required to answer several open ended questions within the context of the art.

In this lesson students were required to take the information from their research and create a unique Gallery using the Google Cultural Institute. Students had to apply critical thinking skills, communication and collaboration tools, as well as research strategies in order to create their own unique Gallery to share.

Lesson Artifact

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