A Healthy Beverage? – 7649


The amount of sugar our kids intake on a daily basis is very alarming yet scary at the same time. The worst part of it all is that our kids have no clue what they are doing to their body. In this research project, the student will be given a favorite soda of their choice. They will gather data only on their soda. The data will include the following: food label for the soda, amount (grams) of sugar per serving for 1 day, 1 month, and 1 year. They will also need to find out how many carbohydrates they are consuming from that soda. Once they have gathered this information, they will convert the amounts they gathered into pounds, basically finding out how much sugar content they consume over a year.

TIPC Ratings

7- Target: Students construct questions to guide their research (when they chose which beverage to investigate). Students collect and summarize information from sources in order to create an informative and convincing presentation. They organize their findings to complete an authentic task using tools of their own choice for presenting the information.

1 – Entry: Communication and collaboration was not a focus for this lesson. Students could work with others or alone for the assignment.

4 – Approaching: Students tackle an authentic task and a relevant, higher order problem. How does the beverage we drink impact our health? Students had to apply digital tools in order to solve this problem. They also had to come up with alternative solutions to an unhealthy beverage.

4 – Approaching: The communication piece in this lesson is missing, so the score is a little lower. Students question, summarize, analyze existing trends (in beverages), and make predictions on existing knowledge to create meaningful and original work within the assignment parameters (rubric). Students choose which tool to use to inform others.

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