Setting Up a Computer – 7847


Do you know how to set up a computer?  Students were given the task of analyzing the best procedure for setting up a new computer and then create a visual resource showing the steps to set up the computer.  The students also solved any computer or internet issues with their computer using a variety of methods.

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As students notice possible issues with their assembly of the desktop, they will utilize the internet to assemble possible answers to these issues.  As students will not all have the same issue the students will need to work as a group to synthesize the information that they found to answer most if not all of the issues in the setting up of the computer. The students will also synthesize their findings in setting up their laptop in making their setup videos.   

The students will select a variety of programs and methods in finding solutions to their connectivity problems.  The students will also communicate with the TST by asking the questions that they may not have been able to find solutions to in their internet research. The students will also communicate with peers at another middle school by having the students at another middle school utilize the student made videos and then vote on the usefulness of the videos.  The students that created the videos will then reflect on their roles in the film making process and analyze how another video could have been voted better than their own.

The student will have to use their critical thinking skills is various ways.  They will have to think about the best way to setup a computer, utilize their problem solving skills in making sure that all functions of the computer are working properly after setup and in the fixing of any problems that may arise.

The student will utilize their prior information about setting up of the computers accompanied with their research into the steps that they may not be familiar with to create a diagram showing the process.  The diagram can be in any form that the student chooses as long as it is organized and displays the steps properly.  The students will also utilize their creative skills in the creation of the videos, as they utilize their prior knowledge accompanied by their creative skills to get their message across as to the importance of the tip.  Finally they will reflect on the results of their videos and how they could make them better.

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