Matter Cooking Show -7481


In this cross-curricular lesson driven by an authentic task, students were able to explore the changes of matter, identify ways to gather information, and use measurement and multiplication to create a delicious treat.  Our authentic task was for our students to answer the following question: Does matter show up in real life or is it just something we learn about in school?  Two classes at a time collaborated to find and use a recipe to create rice crispy treats and relate it to the study of matter.

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Students complete a web-based search for an age-appropriate recipe for making rice crispy treats.

Students collaborate in groups throughout the lesson to discuss what is happening. At the end of the lesson, students use digital tools to relate and reflect what they learned throughout the lesson.

Students critically had to decide which tools on the computer to use for a search and the appropriate words to find an age-appropriate recipe. Students continually had to answer questions throughout the lesson and after the lesson during the reflection process using photobooth.

Students responded to teacher assigned tasks

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About Mr. Ryan Stein

Mr. Ryan Stein is an educator that works with students at the elementary and high school level, as well as conduct workshops for college students and teachers throughout Virginia.

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