Visiting Vivid Virginia-7204

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You are the marketing director for a firm that represents Virginia Tourism. Your task is to select a region of Virginia and provided facts and interesting tidbits about your region. In addition to this, you will need to research a tourist attraction in your region. This will really help you SELL your region and get more tourists to visit. Using an ipad, you are to create a video message advertisement that includes a speaking avatar and several pictures from your region. This is a competition in the firm. The group that gets the most tourists (votes) to visit their region will be rewarded with a small token of appreciation. Remember you have to work together to accomplish this task! Good Luck!

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Students will work together to apply search techniques and construct questions to guide research. Multiple kinds of resources will be available for students to utilize for their authentic task.

Students will work in small groups to collaborate on research and create a video message. Once advertisements are complete, they will be posted on the class blog for the world to view and vote. Students will reflect on their roles as communicators and collaborators to set goals for their future growth through the open ended response that will be submitted to the teacher at the conclusion of the lesson.

Students will select the most appropriate digital and print resources to draw and synthesize the most important information needed for their project. Furthermore, students will need to take the information gained and work together to construct a visual video message that represents their findings.

Students will synthesize existing and self generated knowledge to innovate a persuasive video message advertisement that would entice their audience to visit their region. Afterwards, students will reflect on their creative process and set goals for future growth through the open ended response that will be submitted to the teacher at the conclusion of the lesson.

Student Artifact

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Lesson 7204

  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifacts
  • Photos
  • Voting Form

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