The Treasure of Le”Meme” Brown – 7963


Students today are really caught up in digital imagery.  We are attempting to incorporate original thought into the exciting magical world of memes.  Using figurative language, students will create their own memes based on the reading of a grade-level appropriate short story.  Students are given the opportunity to contribute positive comments regarding each others’ created meme..

TIPC Ratings

Though this lesson could be modified to include Research and Information Fluency, the lesson as described did not focus on this category.

Though this lesson could be modified to include  Communication and Collaboration, the lesson as described did not focus on this category.

Approaching – Students analyzed the story The Treasure of Lemon Brown and documented information concerning plot, characters, and setting. Students used this collaborative class note sheet to select points from the story they would use an image to represent. Students converted the selected point to one of three types of figurative language.  They combined the image and figurative language to create a meme.

Approaching –  Once students read the story and picked the characters, they had to understand what a meme was. Students then creatively related a found image to the characters from the story. The final student products demonstrated how students were able to create a meme that showed appropriate and original use of a figurative language technique and creative use of imagery to illustrate their understanding of the story.

Student Artifact

James - Meme

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About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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