What’s on Your Plate? – 8002


Wilder has a new and improved look for breakfast. New breakfast serving carts and menu items encourage students to eat a healthy breakfast and start their day off right. What makes a healthy meal? Students will explore what eating right looks like and make infographics to support our new breakfast initiative and encourage students to choose healthy options !

TIPC Ratings

The students are at the Developing level because I provided the students with main questions and one website. The students used choosemyplate.gov to research the answers to the questions. I did provide the students with the opportunity to find their own resources to answer the extension questions

The students are in the Approaching stage as they were allowed to choose their own group partners. Once they had their groups, they were given the chance to split up the workload needed to complete the project among their group. After they split up the tasks, the students worked together using a Google Doc to complete the assignment. I walked around ensuring all students were staying on track and following the group norms for the assignment. Students were also given the chance to reflect on their tasks and set new tasks for the next class period.

Students performed in the Entry stage. Students responded to teacher generated questions using online resources.

The students fall under the Target level in the creation of their infographic as this was the focus of the lesson. They were shown different examples of nutritional infographics, and given a rubric with the basic requirements. However, on their own the students had to choose a topic based on their research and create an infographic displaying the knowledge for their topic. They could use any resource they chose to create their infographic.

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Student Artifact Folder
Health_ 8th Grad Sample

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