Finding Millefiori and Venetian Glass – 8004


Have you ever been to a museum? There are usually placards that describe the item or piece you are looking at. How do museum curators give you the best information with such a small space? They want to make you interested in the piece and the time period so you will not only appreciate the item but also want to learn more! Think about the words “Millefiori” and “Venetian Glass”. What questions do you have? You will research your questions and then use the Google Art Project to find a piece of Millefiori work. Once you have found a piece, use your research and create a placard that would be displayed by that piece in a museum!

TIPC Ratings

Students utilize Google Docs to brainstorm questions they have about Millefiori and Venetian Glass. Students utilized the internet to find their information. Students used the research tool inside the template for ease of finding, evaluating and citing sources. Use of the Google Doc allowed students to collaborate on the document in real time. Students further organized and displayed what they learned in the creation of a placard to describe an art piece of Venetian Glass of their choosing from the Google Cultural Institute Art Project Site. This lesson performs in the Target range and was a focus for the lesson.

Students utilized a shared Google Doc to gather information in a collaborative way with their partners. Some students had previous experience collaborating online and were spread throughout the groups. Students were observed asking each other questions to clarify the research and make goals for next class period’s work.

Though students did ask some higher level questions during their research, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving was not a focus of this lesson.

Creativity and Innovation was not a focus of this lesson.

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