It’s All About the Family- 7682


Students were given a challenge: The local television station would like to run clips of family issues to make others aware of the need to help. Your goal is to create a motivational commercial that illustrates why the issue is important, shares organizations and resources that support the issue, while persuading the public to get involved with the issue. After a discussion regarding common issues and trends that affect families, students worked in partners to create motivational commercials. Using their prior knowledge of reliable and credible web resources, students used Diigo to categorize and organize reliable information. Throughout the process, students worked through a project organizer that asked them to research, analyze, design, justify, and evaluate their work. In the end, students presented the motivational commercials to their peers.

TIPC Ratings

Using the authentic task of creating a motivational commercial to frame in all components of research in this project, students used their prior knowledge of evaluating web resources for accuracy and authority to locate trusted sources of information online. Students focused on finding the websites and resources of trusted and reputable organizations that aim to address the selected family issue. Students used Diigo to house and synthesize their information as they assembled their commercials.

Students worked together to synthesize and organize the information they found on the
web using their class Diigo website. Forming their own partnerships, students worked through a project sheet that helped them organize their information, roles, and next steps. .

The teacher provided a project sheet for students to work through that periodically asked them to generate questions, as well as justify the decisions they were making about constructing the commercial. In addition to the reflection pieces on the project sheet, students reflected on using Diigo for the first time.

Students used a video tool of their choice to present the motivation commercials to their peers. They surveyed a variety of tools and ultimately chose the tool they felt they could master and that would best suit the project’s need. Students took risks and used websites such as Powtoon and Pixorial, in addition to tools like Photo Story 3, and Windows Movie Maker.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • Student Artifacts

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