How can others help you improve how you play an instrument? Soundcloud is a social music tool that allows classmates, a teacher, and really anyone out there to comment on your work to help you improve! In this lesson, students record themselves playing their instrument using the Sound Recorder program. They will then upload the recording to Students will be asked to listen to all the other students in the class and give positive or constructive feedback on how to improve their parts.
TIPC Ratings
0 – Entry: Research was not a part of this lesson.
6- Ideal: This is a small class, so students are working in a group while working within the class. The first assignment does not involve collaboration. However, this is a collaborative effort. Students are posting work out on the web for all to view and comment. They are following each other, creating a culture of collaboration. SoundCloud allows students to collaborate without direct supervision outside of the classroom. They are being shown how to make appropriate comments. The use of SoundCloud as a digital tool allows students to communicate and collaborate in new ways. Students will reflect on their work and set goals for future growth.
3 – Developing: Students are using a digital tool to solve the problem of how to receive feedback from peers while playing an instrument. They are elaborating on their thinking processes by providing feedback and by reflecting.
1 – Entry: Creativity and innovation was not the focus of this lesson. Students were creating products by playing a specific piece of music.
Student Artifact
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- Soundcloud Directions