Types of Economies

Lesson Title: Types of Economies
Teacher: Jessica Bowden
Target Grade/Subject: 10th grade Economics and Personal Finance
Length: 1- 90 minute class period and time outside of class ideal


After exploring traditional, market and command economies, students work together to create a visual representation demonstrating their understanding of each using any available technology.

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Students previously researched the subject of this lesson. Students utilized that research to determine the best way to represent the information to ensure understanding.

Students utilized previously established group norms to form groups and communicate and collaborate how they saw best worked for their project.

Students completed the authentic task of representing types of economies. To this end, students were tasked with coming up with a modern way to visually represent the types of economies in a way in which others could clearly and quickly understand. This task required them to not only be familiar with the concepts, but to also be able to apply them to modern times and restate them in a visual way.

Students were given free reign to create a visual representation of the knowledge they had gained regarding types of economies. Having been introduced to a variety of tools throughout the year, students could choose any form and were given a rubric stating the requirements for the assignment.

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