The Promises and Perils of Biotechnology


Student groups will research an area of biotechnology (genetically modified organisms, stem cells, or the human genome project) and choose a position for or against this type of biotech.  Students will also learn about various advertising strategies and then pick one they feel will communicate their position most effectively.  Finally, students will create a 1-page visual ad persuading others to adopt their viewpoint.

TIPC Ratings

Ideal/Target:   Students are given time to conduct research from primary and secondary sources (print media, websites, and databases).  Not only do they learn about selecting appropriate information sources from the library staff, but they use the information gleaned to create an advertisement.

Approaching: Students split up research and compile their findings on a shared Google doc.  They must also work together to decide upon their viewpoint and create an advertisement poster–e.g., one person could set the vision, another would create the ad using media such as Publisher or PhotoShop, etc.


Approaching: During this lesson, students have to weigh the pros and cons of biotechnology and decide if they are for or against it.  They then justify their position through the creation of the persuasive advertisement.


Ideal/Target: Students have to design an advertisement (modeling from other ads) that persuades others of their position–a sort of “propaganda.”  This is a real-life task with open-ended ways to accomplish it (media format, software choice, advertising strategy employed, etc.).  They do this using informed research and collaborative tools.  At the end of the lesson, using a google doc, students reflect on how well they worked together and if their goals were accomplished.


Student Artifact


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