Chore Machine – 4233


You have been chosen by the government to invent a machine that would do one or more of your chores. Before the government gives you the money to build the machine, you must present your invention to a board of government officials. You will need to have a written report and a visual representation of your machine. Once your machine has been approved, you begin the process of manufacturing it. You need customers. To help promote your machine, you will need to create an advertisement. You may use either Photobooth or Comic Life to create your advertisement.

TIPC Ratings

Research was not a focus of this lesson.

This lesson is Approaching in Communication and Collaboration. Students worked in self-selected collaborative groups to address and authentic task. Students had to reflect on their roles as collaborators.

This lesson is Approaching in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students had to develop a persuasive appeal to get the government to fund their product. Students had to think critically to determine develop a model of what their machine would look like in order to accomplish its tasks. Students reflected on their work after sharing their products.

This lesson is Ideal/Target in Creativity and Innovation. The products were unique in design and students had the opportunity to use different technology tools. Students reflected on their work and set goals for future lessons.

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifacts
  • Student Planning Form
  • Student Advertisements

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