Tweet Me 20’s


Do you know who the most influential Americans in the arts were in the 1920’s and 1930’s? This lesson took students on a journey back in time where they investigated and analyzed art, music, and literature. They were challenged to construct “Tweets” that would not only make their person memorable, but relevant today. Students were challenged to consider how modern social networking tools could have changed the way these influential Americans interacted with society. So what are you waiting for? Tweet me 20’s!

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Throughout the lesson students were challenged with finding, evaluating, and using information from a variety of sources. They were responsible for not only finding the information, but working as a team to make sense of that information and use it to create an engaging product that would share essential information with their peers. Students were provided with independent and collaborative research opportunities to generate guiding questions and keywords that helped them to make informed decisions (individually and collectively). We found the collaborative research document to be extremely helpful for our students as it provided them with a space to individually collect information and then challenged them to work together to support their comprehension and ability to extract the most pertinent/captivating information.

This lesson provides students with multiple opportunities to communicate and collaborate to reach a common goal of creating an informative, engaging product that communicated key information about an influential American. Students used a variety of communication methods (Google Docs, various web 2.0 tools, class blog/Twitter page) to interact as a team as well as share information with their peers (synchronously and asynchronously). At the end of the project, students reflected on their roles as communicators and collaborators and used that experience to create goals for future collaborative opportunities.

This lesson challenged students to make connections between newly learned information about key historical figures and their modern counterparts. They had to critically examine the importance of their influential American’s impact on society and make quality decisions about how to best represent them on Twitter.

Throughout the lesson students had to apply critical thinking, research strategies, and various communication tools to make informed decisions about how to best represent their influential American. This was demonstrated in their informative products, Twitter profile information, and class Tweets. This supported students perspectives on how they viewed these influential Americans in comparison with their modern counterparts.

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Group Norms Planning Guide
  • Group Roles Planning Guide
  • Research Workspace
  • Tweet Me 20’s Guide
  • Rubric & Reflection
  • Note: All of the supporting resources are in the download folder. The lesson plan is individually linked above.

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