Fall Research, Investigations and Explorations – 4251


During this cross-curricular lesson, the students will be working in one of three different active and engaging stations. In the Research and Information Fluency Station, students will collaborate to work in heterogeneous pairs to conduct research using Pebblego.com to determine how plants change in the Fall. Their research findings will be recorded using the Quick Voice Application on our classroom ipads. At the conclusion of this lesson, several students will communicate what they learned as a result of their research by sharing their recorded information with their classmates and the teacher will post it on the KWL chart. In the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving station, students will use ActivInspire to collaborate and communicate the many different and creative ways in which a combination of ten plants can be planted in a garden. In effort to increase the rigor, they will be asked to determine how a total of ten plants can be planted in two equal rows. In the Investigation Station, students will work in collaborative groups to conduct a variety of hands-on experiments and record their observations about apples.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is lower Approaching in Research and Information Fluency. The task was authentic and highly applicable to these students, literally right outside their classroom, and it capitalized on their growing interest on the activity they could witness on a daily basis. The new information the students learned was recorded using the iPad and the class utilized this information to have better understanding about this topic.

This lesson is Developing in Communication and Collaboration. Although there was a well developed authentic task, the teacher selected student groups. Students were given the opportunity to work collaboratively at all the stations.

This lesson is Approaching in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students generated questions as a group and choose what new information would be posted on the KWL chart. At another of the stations, students were given an open ended math problem to solve. The students were also challenged by asking them to determine how a total of ten plants can be planted in two equal rows.

Creativity and Innovation was not a focus of this lesson.

Student Artifact

Fall Investigations_Sound.001

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