Weathering – 5305

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For this 90 minute lesson, the students were exploring physical and chemical weathering. After dividing into groups, they were assigned an environmental factor of weathering to research. The groups had to determine if their environmental factor (acid rain, abrasion, animal actions, etc.) was chemical or physical weathering. When finished with their research, the groups chose a presentation tool to share their findings on chemical and physical weathering with the rest of the class. Incorporated in their presentation, the students were required to use pictures to demonstrate their type of weathering, along with explaining how their type of weathering occurs. The students were required to search and cite reliable sources. Students had been taught multiple research techniques by the school librarian, which allowed them to be more efficient during their research. This lesson was used with a collaboration class.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson would be considered to be in the approaching level of this category because the students applied the research techniques taught in their grade level enrichment classes to complete the assignment. The students were also taught multiple research techniques by the school librarian, which allowed them to be more efficient during their research. The students used this researched information to differentiate and support their conclusion that their weathering example was a form of either physical or chemical weathering.

This lesson would be considered to be in the approaching level of this category because the students collaborated in groups to complete the assignment. Students had to organize their group and determine the best way to compile and assemble the information they researched into a digital presentation of their choice. Each member of the group presented and defended their research to the class in the form of a digital presentation. Their presentations were evaluated by both the teacher and their peers in the course. Norms were not formally discussed, but students took it upon themselves to assign tasks within the group. They assigned roles and each member contributed to the final product.

This lesson would be considered to be in the developing level of this category because the students had to research their assigned example of weathering and determine from the information found whether their example was a form of physical or chemical weathering. They had to present this information in the form of a digital presentation which defended their conclusions.

This lesson would be considered to be in the developing level of this category because the students had to research, compile and defend their information using a presentation tool of their choice. The students had to create, organize and present their information in a way that would support their conclusions.

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