Newton’s Laws: A Triumph for Humanity – 5316


Students created presentations which displayed Newton’s Laws of Motion. Their task was to teach another group of students about the laws and how they impact our everyday lives using real world examples. Students worked in pairs of their choosing (as long as they had the same teacher) to create their presentations. Communication tools such as Edmodo, SchoolSpace and GoogleDocs were available to every student.

TIPC Ratings

The Information Specialist conducted a session on research and information fluency for the students. This session, as well as, the skills they learned in their grade level enrichment sessions on research and information fluency helped them determine which sources were valid and reliable. Students conducted their own research to find information relevant to the assignment. Students had to research the three laws of motion. They then had to assemble the information and generate examples of each law using their research. The teacher introduced the unit through an Explore Learning Gizmo where students looked at a moving cart and how it related to Newton’s Laws. The teacher supported students by allowing some class time to research and offered support during study hall. Students had to assemble the information into a presentation to present to their audience.

Students were permitted to work in pairs (even among different class periods-as long as they had Mrs. Moorman as a teacher). This gave students the freedom to collaborate and communicate through many different means (Edmodo, School Space, flash drives, in the community, at home and through GoogleDocs). Students were also asked to reflect on others groups projects and complete a student evaluation and peer evaluation specifically assessing their means of communication and collaboration.

Students had to research, organize, assemble, present, defend and justify the data gathered. This required higher order problem solving and critical thinking skills. In this project each student had to present their findings, using the most appropriate digital tools. Students choose how they would present their project. Many used Prezi, Movie Maker, Audacity, PowerPoint and ActivInspire flipcharts. Students had to justify how their definitions and research could be translated into visual examples.

Students applied the research, original ideas, communication tools, critical thinking skills to create their presentation. Students LOVED making these presentations and were engaged throughout the entire process. Students used their background knowledge, created their own common sense scenarios and created new ideas and original presentations. Students really went above and beyond when creating these projects and presented their findings in a convincing and persuasive manner. Students also submitted a peer and self-evaluation after the project was complete.

Student Artifact

Download Files

  • Lesson Plan
  • Additional Lesson File
  • List of Links to Student Artifacts

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