What Really Matters – 4532


Through independent research and the guide of STEM ideaology, the students will engage in cooperative learning using available technology to gain a deeper understanding of atoms, the building blocks of matter. Students will research atoms and elements, and then construct a “Mystery Atom” of their own. The mystery atoms will be posted on Edmodo so students can analyze the atom model and try to guess which atom is being represented based on the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson falls in the Approaching range for Research & Information Fluency. The students were provided with a variety of research resources, including printed text, websites, Discovery Science, and a Promethean Flipchart. The students worked collaboratively to gather information about matter, atoms, and elements on their team’s Google Doc. Information gained from research was used to help the students construct their atom models.

This lesson falls in the Ideal/Target range for Communication and Collaboration. The students worked collaboratively to collect information from research on a Google Doc. They planned out their atom design by using the iPads and sending the sketches to their teacher through Dropbox. The students then took a picture of their finished atom model with the iPad and sent it through Dropbox to their teacher. The teacher posted the “mystery atoms” on Edmodo so that students could comment on their peers work and guess what type of atom is being represented by this model. Students reflected on their roles as communicators and collaborators through the use of a Self-Evaluation Google Form.

This lesson falls in the Approaching range for Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. The students used Edmodo and the Periodic Table to analyze their peers atom models and think critically to determine which atom was being represented. Students reflected on their roles as critical thinkers by completing a Self-Evaluation Google Form.

This lesson falls in the Approaching range for Creativity and Innovation. The students created meaningful, original atom models within the assignment parameters. Students were free to choose from any computer program to draw their atom model (Inspire, Keynote, Pixie, etc.) or they could use recycled/scrap materials from the STREAM lab. Students shared their finished products on Edmodo for other’s to guess which atom they had created. Students reflected on their products through comments provided in Edmodo as well as the Self-Evaluation Google Form.

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What Really Matters

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