Independent Living Career Project – 5313


After completing a survey on the VA View Career Clusters website ( to determine each students’ interests, a career from the VA View webpage ( was selected by each student to research. Through class discussions students determined what information was the most important to know and would be the most beneficial to research and to learn about their careers chosen. Students then created a digital presentation about their career choice and presented to the class

TIPC Ratings

As a group, students constructed questions to guide them in their research about their career choices. From the group discussions, students created a Career Project Rubric to guide them in their research. After instruction from the school librarian about how to successfully identify reliable sources and how to properly cite sources and how to create an effective presentation, students searched both online and printed sources to locate information about their career choices. Students used their researched information to create a digital presentation which was shared with the other students in their class.

Although students worked independently on this project, they worked collaboratively as a whole group to determine what questions were needed to guide them in their research of their chosen career and to create a research rubric. They used digital presentation tools to complete their assignment and share with their class. The students and the teacher scored the presentation using a Career Project Rubric.

Students used their critical thinking skills to determine what questions were needed to guide them in their research and applied the information gathered to their main task of creating a digital presentation which summarized their research. Through these digital presentations, students had to demonstrate their knowledge of their chosen career.

Students had to take the information gathered and apply it to a digital presentation that would best portray their career choice and answer the questions generated by their class. Students had to create this meaningful, original and informative digital presentation to share with their peers to demonstrate their knowledge of their career choice.

Student Artifact

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