It’s Showtime! Fireside Chatting with FDR and Obama


During this lesson, students will review communicat Nions from two famous Presidents. They will then work in pairs to develop their own speech. One partner will be Franklin D. Roosevelt addressing the American public about the Great Depression and the New Deal. The other partner will be Barack Obama addressing the American public about the recent recession and his plans to help foster economic recovery. They will use Audacity to create the speeches and will post written and audio speeches to a class Google site.

TIPC Ratings

5 – Approaching – Teacher reminds students of search techniques and how to evaluate sources (RADCAB). Students list sources but are not citing sources. Students allow their own questions and background knowledge to guide the research. They are assembling information from multiple sources to address an authentic task.

4 – Approaching – Teacher promotes collaboration within by working in pairs to create their own Fireside Chat. Students addressed an authentic task and had to split work into subtasks. Students used Google Sites and Google Docs to facilitate communication and collaboration.

5 – Approaching – Teacher directly instructs students on what to include in the Fireside Chat, however the creation of a unique chat is a higher order task. Students elaborate on critical thinking of problems by interpreting the role of government in providing solutions to problems in American society. Students use digital tools to influence public opinion and use their own questions to guide research. Students justify their decisions about which policies to compare.

6 -Target – Students blend assignment parameters with background knowledge and personal choice. They create a new product after looking at existing products (the original Fireside chat and media from the White House). Students must use communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and research skills to synthesize knowledge. As part of the final process, students are asked to evaluate and reflect upon each other’s work.

Student Artifact

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