The Great EGGscape


This project requires students to research an inventor or scientist, create a multimedia presentation to share their research findings, design and create an invention or experiment in collaboration with other students to answer a specific question about helping an egg do something “eggstraordinary”, graph their trials/data, and write a story based on their “Eggs” adventure. Students were encouraged to use a variety of resources to research, develop, and present their projects.

TIPC Ratings

This project scores in the Approaching range of Research & Information Fluency. Students were challenged to use multiple digital resources to learn about an important scientist or inventor of their choice and create a digital multimedia presentation. They were provided with a list of possible websites to use as well as questions to answer about their person. They cited and evaluated the helpfulness of each website they used. For the experiment phase they conducted their own research by testing their designs and recording the data.

This project scores in the Approaching range of Communication & Collaboration. Students chose their own groups according to teacher’s guidelines and expectations. As a group, students had to decide on one of six questions for the focus of their experiment. Groups had to communicate to plan what materials to bring in to create or design their final products, and they worked together to run trials and record data. At the end of their project they evaluated how well they worked together.

This project scores in the Approaching range of Critical Thinking & Problem Solving. Working in groups, students had to choose an egg challenge (such as making it bounce, roll, float, drop, or hold weight). Then they had to design and create an invention that would solve the challenge. During the trial and error stage, groups had to generate new questions regarding the outcome of their “eggs,” if they were unsuccessful. Students were given the choice to present their findings using a variety of digital tools such as graphs which require them to interpret their data. At the end of the experiment, students were asked to individually reflect upon their experience throughout this process.

This project scores in the Approaching range of Creativity & Innovation. Students were given many choices including the inventor they wanted to research, the digital tool they wanted to use, and the egg problem they wanted to solve. They were also encouraged to take risks with their invention and develop original ways to solve the problem. Their creative writing assignment was also open-ended to encourage original ideas. Finally they reflected on the creative process at the end.

Student Artifact

Picture 3

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan (Word)
  • Project Guidelines for Students (PDF)
  • Student Creative Writing Sample (Pages)
  • Student Comic Life Sample
  • Student Keynote Sample
  • Five photos (PNG) of student projects

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