Hooks, Lines, and Zingers – The Power of Persuasion – 4452


We learned the art of persuasive writing using the Four Square Method. After that, we brainstormed ideas for capital improvements for Colonial Trail Elementary School. The students listened to each other’s ideas and then formed their own teams. They wrote a commercial for their capital improvement request directed towards a funder such as the PTA or CTES Administration. They created a commercial backdrop in Keynote, exported it to Photobooth, filmed their commercial, and exported it to Quicktime. We watched the movies as a class, identifying hooks, ending zingers, and what persuasion tools were included. We ended with a question – what will you ask for next?

TIPC Ratings

This category was not the focus of the lesson.

This category was not the focus of the lesson.

This category was not the focus of the lesson.

Students created an innovative product on their own with the freedom to use their own ideas that focused on their authentic interests using their “powers of persuasion”. They were encouraged to express their individual personalities freely and to step beyond the parameters of the assignment to embark on their own ideas for commercials relative to capital improvements at their school. They offered feedback to others and reflected on their own creativity and innovation by way of the blog as well as the rubric. They also set goals for future growth as is evident in the blog follow up document and rubric.

Student Artifact

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Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifacts
  • Rubric
  • Lesson Templates
  • PowerPoint Presentation

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