Coaching Salaries and Excel – 5304


Students, grouped in twos, researched the salary agreements for a college coach of their choice. The contract data of the coach they selected had to include a base salary and at least three provisions/incentives/bonuses. This information was then entered into a collaborative Google Drive spreadsheet and charted. The students enhanced this spreadsheet to display this information in an easy to read format that is compatible to authentic and real world spreadsheets. The students also created a chart of the researched data formatted to show each provision of the coach’s contract. This file was shared with this class, the instructor and with one other ITF class. Each student reviewed and scored one spreadsheet/chart of a group in his/her class and one spreadsheet/chart from another ITF class using a shared Google Drive rubric. The peer review and scores were recorded in a shared Google Form to be a part of the final grade.

TIPC Ratings

The teacher provided examples of appropriate online resources for the students to view as an example. Students, using the research skills they learned in their grade level enrichment sessions and reinforced by their teacher, had to research to find additional appropriate online resources to gather data to complete their task. This also included searching and viewing examples of “real world” formatted spreadsheets and charts that would be considered compatible in today’s business world. Sources were cited to support their research.

The teacher modeled appropriate use of the digital tool Google Drive by sharing information about their task with all of his ITF classes to promote collaboration not only within the classroom but beyond the classroom. Students collaborated within their groups to create their product and shared this product with their class and with another ITF class to complete their task. Students had to peer review/score one product from a group within their class and review/score another group’s work from another class using a shared Google Drive Rubric and Form/Survey. This was all done using Google Drive to create and share their collaborative product and to review/score the products of other groups.

The teacher set the stage, however, the students had to determine the best way to format their work to meet the task criteria. The students had to design and format their final product to meet real world standards. The students researched to find the required data and then determined how best to display this information in a way that was compatible to current business practices.

The teacher designed the assignment so students had the opportunity to collaborate with each other to determine the best way to format and display their work to meet real world standards and to best communicate the data gathered. The students had to create their product so it displayed the information in a way that others could comprehend and understand.

Student Artifact

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