Linking the Executive Branch

Submitted by: William French
School: Tuckahoe Middle School


Understanding the differences between the National and State levels of the Executive Branch is important.  Students used ThingLink to define and illustrate the powers of the head of the executive branch. Working collaboratively or independently students used research skills and creativity to create their interactive image. Other students provided feedback on their peers’ creation.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching- Students are instructed on the use of advanced search techniques to find images and articles. Students select the most appropriate articles and videos to use  for illustrating the selected role type. The teacher assists students when needed with evaluating articles and guiding students’ decisions to include or dismiss particular sources.

Developing – Students are working individually on their interactive image, however, they are responding to or commenting on other student images. Students also take the initiative to assist other students and share strategies for using the web resource.

While all strands of the TIPC are important and should be addressed, this lesson is focused on Creativity and Innovation. There are ways to increase the level of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving but they may not tie as closely to the learning outcomes focused on in this lesson.

Developing – The teacher illustrates connections between content as well are bringing relevance to that content by including current events at the state level. The student assignments specifies the focus of the Thinglink interactive images, however, students are able to select videos and articles of their choice to add meaning to their work.

Student Artifact

About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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