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The goal of this lesson is to have the students interacting in a virtual “literature circle” using GoogleDocs as a platform for communication and collaboration. The Google Doc is managed in such a way that the students are working together and thinking critically in order to analyse a short story or novel. Each group member will choose a specific role and assign norms within the group. Some of those roles include Discussion Director, Literary Luminary, Connector, Summarizer, and/or Character Tracer (see student artifact). One of the major benefits to using Google Docs for literature circles would include the fact that all of the information housed within the document can be easily shared with other students in the classroom as well as their teacher. Docs also allows for real-time peer editing and teacher commenting. Clarifying questions and feedback can be added to the margin of each group document. If implemented throughout the school year, this lesson could also act as a type of writing portfolio that allows for the students in the group to see their growth over an extended amount of time.
TIPC Ratings
Developing – Research is not a major factor in this lesson. The students are using information fluency when looking for information in the novel and expressing how it relates to real world experiences. They are also able to use the research bar in Google Docs in order to define any words or to further explore any questions that may arise during the discussion.
Ideal- The Google doc is set up to provide the students with a strong foundation to assist them in so the students are able to choosing specific roles and to help them establish group norms. Students in an assigned literature circle are not limited to only working with students in that block, but also have the option to collaborate with other students outside of their classroom walls. The teacher is able to keep multiple tabs open their computer and chime in when necessary with feedback or redirection via. the commenting feature or chat window. A next step might include sharing a literature circle document with a published author who may be willing to submit their thoughts regarding how the students perceived their short story or novel.
Developing – Students are applying a digital tool (gdocs) in order to collaborate and respond to purposeful questions. Students are required to justify their responses within the Google Doc and reflect how that section of reading is influential in their everyday life. In a world where telecommuting and virtual meetings are the norm, having kids working together to think critically other than face to face is an important future workforce skill.
Developing – This is a new and innovative way of giving a 20th century lesson a much needed 21st century face lift. Students are able to chat, assign roles, and communicate in real time with each other within as well as beyond the classroom walls.
Student Artifact
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