Say What? Figurative Language in Lyrics – 5375

Submitted by: Shelly Barnard and Alison Timm
Collaborators: Joy McDonald, ITRT
School: Hungary Creek Middle


After completing an introductory unit on Figurative Language students worked in collaborative teams to investigate the use of specific types of figurative language through the use of popular music lyrics.  As a culminating activity students create a movie that demonstrated their ability to accurately identify various types of figurative language.  Visual and audio representations were used to illustrate the depth of student understanding of figurative language. TIPC Ratings

(Developing) Students used teacher and student selected resources to find lyrics and audio visual elements.

(Developing) Students selected their teams, established expectations and roles for working together. As a means of collaboration, students used digital tools (thumb drive and peer review drop boxes in schoolspace).  
(Approaching) Students had to use critical thinking and evaluator skills to locate lyrics that use figurative language to communicate complex ideas. They justified their examples by answering the essential questions as a component of reflecting upon their ability to determine how artistic elements in literature impact an audience. In addition, students evaluated classmate projects and justified their evaluations while participating in a Google form assessment session.

(Approaching) Student teams created an original mash-up music video that creatively demonstrated their ability to identify figurative language in popular song lyrics of their choice. They also had to synthesize their understanding of this concept through communication and collaboration and through applying critical thinking skills to address this authentic task. This lesson helped students make a connection between figurative language techniques (English content) and contemporary applications of this technique, as found in popular music lyrics.

Student Artifact

5357 Student Video

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