Analyzing Fashion Trends: Justifying Truths, Rejecting Myths And Creating Evidence Portfolios

Teacher: Jackie Herrmann, Deep Run High School (with assistance from Greg Metcalf, ITRT.)


In order to understand and internalize new information, students need to become very familiar with such material.  Although by no means exhaustive, students can analyze, discuss, research, manipulate and synthesize novel information in a variety of ways.  In this lesson, students first work alone to analyze fashion trend statements and decide whether the declarations are truths or myths. The class decisions are shared via the “summary of responses” available within the Google Form results.  Next,  while working in pairs, students discuss specific statements and reach conclusions they share in whole class discussions. The small teams provide fashion evidence to support their opinions using their accounts.   After the large group discussions, students continue to add fashion images, artifacts and explanations in their Pinterest collections creating their own interpretations and documentations of current fashion trends.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is in the upper Developing stage of research and information literacy. Although students are directed to use specific sources (e.g., to document and analyze fashion trends, they are also encouraged to select other appropriate sources of information.

This lesson is in the Developing stage for student communication and collaboration as the structured lesson occurs early in the course when students are learning how to effectively communicate and work together as a team.

As students are required to elaborate on their thinking processes when justifying their decisions regarding fashion myths and truths, this lesson is in the Developing to Approaching stage of critical thinking and problem solving. Additionally, students are asked to explain their problem solving and decision making protocols while providing evidence via to support the reasoning behind the truths, myths and trends decisions.

As students create online fashion collections that blend technology while providing aspects of personal choice, they also analyze fashion trends and create meaningful work via their ‘pinterest portfolios.’ As such, this lesson is Approaching in terms of creativity and innovation.

Student Artifact

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