Submitted by: William French
School: Tuckahoe Middle School
Getting students to think abstractly can be like trying to do a headstand… difficult but not impossible with practice. This simple lesson requires students to think critically about content and abstractly relate images to their learning.
TIPC Ratings
While all strands of the TIPC are important and should be addressed, this lesson is focused on Creativity and Innovation. There are ways to increase the level of research and Information Fluency but they may not tie as closely to the learning outcomes focused on in this lesson.
While all strands of the TIPC are important and should be addressed, this lesson is focused on Creativity and Innovation. There are ways to increase the level of research and Information Fluency but they may not tie as closely to the learning outcomes focused on in this lesson.
Approaching – Students applied digital tools to think critically and solve open-ended authentic tasks that required higher order thinking skills.
Approaching – This assignment blended limited amounts of personal choice and technology to create a learning environment where students were engaged in creative thinking.