Politics…Who Needs It Anyway? – 6808

Submitted by: Andrea Sward

School: J.R. Tucker High School


In this course we focus on how politics influences the quality of life for both communities and individuals. Politics, as you have learned, is not simply something the folks in Washington do, but something that affects all our lives in very intimate ways. As citizens of a democracy, we have the right, as well as the responsibility, to participate in the decision-making process. Yet many Americas don’t vote and remain largely unaware of the collective decision-making that is taking place around us all the time. Young Americans not yet of voting age rarely feel that they have a stake in politics…and yet each of us has the potential to make a difference and to participate in a variety of ways in our political processes: locally, nationally, and globally. Making peers aware of the challenges and opportunities available in political life, serves both individuals and the community.

For this assessment you will create a motivational presentation, from 5 to 10 minutes long, in Powerpoint, ActivInspire, MovieMaker, or other preapproved presentation format of your choice; and record yourself presenting it. Your presentation should be suitable for high school students and will inform students about, present examples of, and encourage participation in some specific political activity.

Your presentation should be in the form of a public service announcement or commercial. The assessment will consist of 5 tasks, evaluated according to the criteria shown in blue for each task. In addition to creating the presentation, you will develop a practical strategy for actually sharing this presentation with the public, describe your contacts and collaboration with actors in the political process, and reflect on your learning throughout this experience. At the conclusion of the individual portion of the assignment, the class will participate as presenters in an assembly in the auditorium where the work will be presented.

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TARGET – First, students will brainstorm ideas that would both interest young adults and engage them in political processes. Things that interest them would likely interest their peers as well. Choosing a topic in which they have a genuine interest will make the project more relevant, enjoyable, and may provide experience or knowledge that continues to develop even after the assignment is completed. Then students will research opportunities for youth activities connected with an issue of interest, perhaps with political parties or nonprofit organizations. Next, they will contact political organizations, NGOs, local government bodies, community organizations, etc., who are involved in action on their topic. Students should collaborate with their contacts as they research activities and select resources. In a one-page abstract of their presentation, students will provide background facts on the issue, examples of efforts in progress on the issue, and opportunities for youth participation. They will also summarize the ideas they intend to present, while demonstrating their knowledge of their topic through the use of terminology, facts, examples, and descriptions.

TARGET – Students will work in groups of three during class to peer-review the abstracts and add comments and suggestions. They will be incorporating input from the teacher and peer reviews, while creating the 5-10 minute presentation in their selected format. Furthermore, they will list and describe persons, organizations, or community groups that expressed an interest in their presentation or provided assistance and they will describe their collaboration or cooperation with them. If a person or group is willing to air or promote their presentation, students should describe the person/group involvement. Additionally, students will develop a practical strategy for sharing their presentation with the public. They will describe their contacts and collaboration with actors in the political process, and reflect on their learning throughout this experience. At the conclusion of the individual portion of the assignment, the class will participate as presenters in an assembly in the auditorium where the work will be presented to the student body.

Additionally, students will also reflect on:
1) any ways in which their learning experiences during this assessment served to improve their understanding of and skill in using the design cycle and
2) their experiences in completing this assignment

TARGET – Students will be seeking to address these questions: (1) Why is participation in political processes important? and (2) How can young adults make a difference? They will also discuss ways in which this assignment shed light on their understanding of the unit question, “How can we balance power and justice?”

Additionally, students will also reflect on:
1) any ways that the assignment might be improved to facilitate a better learning experience and
2) ways in which they might use and extend the knowledge, contacts, and/or practical experience they gained from this activity into the future.

TARGET – Students will create a motivational presentation, from 5 to 10 minutes long, in Powerpoint, ActivInspire, MovieMaker, or other preapproved presentation format of their choice; and record themselves presenting it. Their presentation should be suitable for high school students and will inform students about, present examples of, and encourage participation in some specific political activity. Student presentations will be in the form of a public service announcement or commercial. Their presentations will include video of their own verbal presentation, other video clips or visuals, interviews, demonstrations, sound, music, graphics, artwork…anything that is appropriate…students are limited only by their imagination and the requirements to respect intellectual property laws.

Additionally, students will also reflect on:
1) ways in which they might use and extend the knowledge, contacts, and/or practical experience they gained from this activity into the future.

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