Story Development using ToonDoo

Submitted by: Alycia Wright
School: Short Pump Middle School


Students were taught the literary elements of a story to include:  plot, setting, character, point of view, theme, tone & mood, foreshadowing & flashback, and figurative language.

This was done using short stories that highlighted each of the above themes and using Scholastic’s Spotlight series.  Students were first introduced to each element separately.  At the same time, they were asked to create that element to later be used in their personal novels.  After teaching each element, students had a massive collection of writings that then needed to be intertwined.  Students were asked to write a final short story using all of their writings.  The writings went through a series of peer edits and feedback reviews.  Students then created a final copy.

Using their final copy, students were told that their Novel had been chosen to publish into a graphic novel. They were given storyboards and asked to summarize their novel into 6-9 panels.  Each panel created must include the actual dialogue envisioned by the characters and a rough sketch of each scene.  These panels then went through another series of peer review and feedback.

After the panel reviews, students were then asked to re-create these scenes using ToonDoo.  Using ToonDoo they could be very specific with the settings, character, facial expressions, hand gestures, etc.    Students then built their graphic Novels and shared with the entire class.


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This was not a focus of the lesson.

This was not a focus of the lesson.

Ideal/Target – Teacher:  Students develop and wrote their short stories.  These stories were story boarded into 6-9 panels.  The students had to decide how to summarize their story to fit those limited panels.  Using ToonDoo, the students then had to figure out how best to display their short story as the graphic novel.

Ideal/Target – Teacher and Student:  Students created their own short story.  These stories were then “published” into a graphic novel using TooDoo.  The students had to build these novels with specific attention to character, plot, etc…  Very creative activity and the students were engaged, risk takers, and stretch themselves to create their finished product

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