Mi día festivo / Mi celebración


Using Microsoft Publisher and Windows Movie Maker, the students were to create an advertisement for a celebration/holiday to be celebrated by everyone in the US. The advertisement was to include a flyer and a live advertisement broadcast. Microsoft Publisher provided an array of creative templates for the flyers while Windows Movie Maker allowed the students to create an oral advertisement. Lastly, each student presented his/her live advertisements during class and a winner was chosen based on creativity, articulation and persuasion techniques!

TIPC Ratings

The students did not need to use much research for this particular project. As a result of this assignment being personal, they were creating the majority of the information. However, the students were able to use and research pictures and music that pertained to their celebration/holiday.

The students were able to talk with one peer of their choosing and myself, the teacher, to receive feedback about their work. Beyond that, there was not much collaboration as this assignment was a solo project.

The students had to make their own decisions concerning the celebration/holiday, its importance, how to advertise it and how to persuade others to enjoy it as well.

As an introduction, I modeled what a holiday/celebration can look like and its importance. However to take it a step further, the students were able to create their own celebration/holiday, its importance and its relevance to them and to others.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Movie Sample
  • Publisher Sample

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