Environmental PSA for Spanish-speaking public – 6806

Submitted by: Rose Belue

School: J.R. Tucker High School


In pairs, Spanish 10 students will create a Public Service Announcement for a humanitarian or environmental cause. Drawing on their knowledge from other content areas in a cross curricular fashion, students will blend what they know from different content areas to create the PSA. They will be using persuasive elements to catch attention. The PSA’s can be created using Glogster, Prezi, Google Docs Presentation, or another form of media. Additionally, each PSA must also include a 2-minute video and each group member must appear and speak Spanish in the video. These PSA’s will be created for an audience of the Spanish-speaking public. Students will use their knowledge of the hispanic culture to engage them into action.

TIPC Ratings

APPROACHING – Students will research authentic topics such as: PETA- Animal Protection, Recycling, Water Pollution, Sound pollution, Go Green, Natural Resource Conservation, Discrimination, Handicap Protection, Homeless, etc. They will be looking for ways to convince the Hispanic public to be more responsible and conscious of our environment. Students must cite the sources that they have used in their public service announcement and video. They also must learn and choose at least 10 Spanish vocabulary words and include them in their video along with 5 appropriate phrases in the subjunctive form.

TARGET – Students will work with a partner to create a Public Service Announcement for a humanitarian or environmental cause. They will collaborate electronically by creating one PSA using Glogster, Prezi, Google Docs Presentation, or another form of media. Students will work on the project both within the classroom as well as outside the classroom. They will also appear and speak Spanish in a 2-minute video which will be embedded in their PSA. And, they will include written Spanish subtitles for all dialogue in the video. Additionally, they will have to communicate what they want the public to do using the subjunctive form. Students will turn in the link to their PSA using a SchoolSpace discussion board. They will also present their PSA to the class. Classmates will evaluate each project and based on the peer results, one group will win a prize.

APPROACHING – Students will use higher order thinking skills to persuade the Hispanic public to be more responsible and conscious of our environment. They will be using several digital tools to create their PSA and video. Students will have to learn appropriate Spanish vocabulary words and the subjunctive form and apply these in their project. Students are using critical thinking skills to address an authentic humanitarian or environmental issue.

APPROACHING – Students will creatively make an original Public Service Announcement using Glogster, Prezi, Google Docs Presentation, or another form of media along with a video – all in Spanish. They will have to research, communicate/collaborate, and apply critical thinking skills to address the humanitarian or environmental issue. Drawing on their knowledge from other content areas in a cross curricular fashion, students will blend what they know from different content areas to create the PSA. They will be using persuasive elements to catch attention. There is also a peer review process where classmates evaluate each project in the following categories: grammar, creativity, and persuasiveness.

Student Artifact

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