Islam Challenge

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Submitted by: Jenna Szot
Collaborators: Joy McDonald, ITRT
School: Hungary Creek Middle


In this lesson students will research key questions to help them understand the rise of Islamic civilization from about 600 AD.  They will discover important people associated with Islam, the beliefs and customs of Muslims, the geography of the Arabian Peninsula, important political events of Islamic conquest, as well as artistic scientific, and mathematical contributions of Muslims.  Students will divide into five groups to research questions on Islam and then upload their research as well as multi-media onto a student created Google site. The students will study the websites created by their classmates to learn about all of the topics associated with the unit.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: In this lesson, students are researching information, selecting sources for their research, and organizing their research for their peers and teacher to view which falls in the approaching level.

Developing: Students use Google docs to create webpages within one website while collaborating in a group.  Also, students must divide the tasks of the project, so this falls on the developing level.

Approaching: In this lesson, students must research several higher level thinking questions as well as create their own question for their website.  Digital tools are used for both the research and the presentation, which falls in the approaching level.

Developing: Students use Google docs to create webpages and collaborate in groups on one website.  Because students have the opportunity to write their own content, choose their multi-media, and web layout, this lesson falls in the developing level.

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