Submitted by: Lee Knapp
School: J.R. Tucker High School
Ever wonder what a website might have looked like 100 years ago? Now you don’t have to. You will be making a web site using Education Weebly to promote one aspect of the change brought about during the Industrial Revolution.
TIPC Ratings
TARGET – Research and Information Fluency:
Students researched using a variety of sources, especially primary sources: advertisements, pictures, or newspaper accounts of that time. They also used the textbooks, databases, internet sources, and their company’s current website for inspiration. The topics they researched were most important part – they had to brainstorm with the group what topics they would investigate and learn more about. Students had to synthesis the information to answer the essential questions and to create a website for their company. They included pictures, audio, video, and text throughout the pages on their website.
TARGET – Communication and Collaboration:
Students used to collaboratively create a website for a company during the Industrial Revolution. Each group came up with a way to organize themselves and examples of roles included: Editor/Reviewer, Media specialist, Facilitator, Webmaster, Data Collector, etc. Work was completed both within the classroom and at home, allowing for collaboration beyond the classroom and without direct supervision.
Students also presented their websites to their classmates. Afterwards, they watched segments of the documentary “The Corporation.” Finally, they discussed the pros and cons of big corporations in society “then and now” in a short paper.
APPROACHING – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:
Students made a web site using Weebly to promote one aspect of the change brought about during the Industrial Revolution. They had to use higher level thinking skills to justify answers to essential questions such as:
• What role did your group play in the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution?
• What contribution did your group’s topic make to the Industrial Revolution?
• What contribution did it make to our lives today?
Students also discussed the pros and cons of big corporations in society “then and now” in a short paper.
TARGET – Creativity and Innovation:
Students creatively made a web site to promote one aspect of the change brought about during the Industrial Revolution. This was an innovative opportunity for students to take a piece of history and give it a 21st Century spin. They brainstormed their own topics to investigate and learn more about. Students included pictures, audio, video, and text to answer the essential questions throughout the pages on their website.