Submitted by: Brenda Witherspoon, Justin Beck
Collaborators: Tyra Pickering
School: Highland Springs High School
The goal, based on our pacing guides/course objectives, is to recognize conflicts that affect relationships among family and friends and to work together to find solutions. Students from level III will identify problems and ask for advice and the level IV/V students will provide advice plus useful websites and video clips that address the various conflicts. This will be conducted in the target language. The students will use technology to aid them in achieving the goal, specifically Google docs, Google sites, the internet, Movie Maker for video editing and a camcorder. The website will be in Spanish with an English translation available so that both Spanish and English speakers may benefit from the information. Then English translation will be done at a later date.
TIPC Ratings
Students spend a significant amount of time researching their conflict and resolutions. They share this information with each other and with those visiting their website.
Students communicate through the use of google docs to collaborate on this assignment. Upper level students help the lower level students through this communication. Also, students share their websites with organizations that can offer feedback.
Students are presented with a real-life issue and must determine situations that can come from that overarching issue as well as determine the best solutions for those problems.
This lesson allows students to create a product that can be used by others. They had the freedom to design and create their site to best accomplish their goal.