Spanish Sportscasts Narrations

Submitted by: Jonathan Gouldthorpe
Collaborators: Lisa Hand
School: Freeman High School


Students were to use the preterite tense and Sporting Competition Vocabulary in a real life context utilizing 21st century skills. They created a narration of a sports broadcast and did a voice over on a sporting event. Students utilized Audacity and Movie Maker for this mini project.

TIPC Ratings

Developing because students utilized prior knowledge and or teacher and peer support to find and evaluate resources and apply those skills. Students used available, provided, and found resources to help them with the sports narration.

Developing because students communicate ethically within and beyond the classroom using a variety of resources to complete the narration. Student communication is partially teacher directed and the tools used were limited.

Approaching because students use resources to solve problems which have multiple solutions; then reflect on the product. The task was authentic, and students created their own questions and responses.

Approaching because students apply critical thinking and research methods to create work containing elements of originality and teacher-defined requirements in an authentic task. Students used the video and audio tools to create the narration.

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