Changes in Heart Rate – Graphing and Reporting

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Submitted by: Jeremy Seward
School: Tuckahoe Elementary School


Students will pick groups comprised of 4-5 students. The groups will rotate through five stations that are setup to either increase or decrease each student’s heart rate. Each student will be wearing a heart rate monitor, record their heart rate after each station, and the data gathered will be used to complete a line graph. Flip cameras will be used during the lesson to document the activities being performed, predictions of heart rate change, and finally a group report with the flip cameras will explain what heart rate changes occurred and why. Video clips produced by the groups will then be displayed on the Tuckahoe Elementary Physical Education blog. A follow-up to this lesson is for the students explore more options for using the information learned about heart rate when they get older.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: This lesson falls into the high-end of the approaching domain of the TIP-C. Students are constructing questions to guide their research. They are selecting digital tools as well as assembling and organizing information to address an authentic task.

Approaching: This lesson falls into the high-end of the approaching domain of the TIP-C. Students work in self-selected groups, establish group norms, and organize roles to address an authentic task. They use appropriate digital tools to facilitate collaboration without direct supervision.

Approaching: This lesson falls into the high-end of the approaching domain of the TIP-C. Students are generating and responding to purposeful questions, reflecting upon which activities generate a higher heart rate and justifying those decisions with data. They are utilizing digital tools to justify their decision making processes as well as using them to solve open-ended authentic tasks that require higher-order thinking skills.

Ideal: This lesson falls in the low-end of the ideal domain of the TIP-C. Students must synthesize existing knowledge of heart rates as well as self-generated knowledge during the activities to create new ideas and products. They choose strategic risks that support innovation to make connections between the PE curriculum and math curriculum.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Link to HCPS Classroom Highlight
  • Student Sample

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