What’s the Matter? Everything!

Submitted by: Amanda Hall
Collaborator: Sue Harner
School: Fairfield Middle School


In this lesson, students will understand that everything around them is Matter! They will identify a product as matter, research this product, create an informative brochure that discusses the “cradle to the grave” summary of the product, identify and compare the costs/benefits of this product (social, environmental, economical, political, health), and reflect on how their views on this product may have changed based on their research. The objective of this lesson is to allow students to discover the bigger picture of “stuff” and to make conscious decisions as consumers. Students will also understand how their decisions impact the world around them.

TIPC Ratings

Students utilize the Big 6 research method to determine accuracy and authority of sources. This method is useful but students will also need to be aware of other research methods as well. Students select their own tools in order to synthesize and present information.

The teacher provides some opportunities for students work in groups. Students are instructed on how to locate and contact experts in the field for their specific products as they seek information. However, there are no student artifacts for contact with experts.

The teacher has posed a difficult question requiring lots of research and thought. The students must develop questions to guide research. They will select appropriate digital tools and address an authentic problem. The solutions can be applied to everyday experiences. Students must reflect on the inquiry process and set goals for future growth.

Students are asked to analyze a wide variety of information as they complete a cost-benefit analysis. Students have the opportunity to create original products that exceed assignment requirements, however, they are steered toward a brochure as a final product.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Two student artifacts (MS Publisher)
  • One Search Directions and Hints
  • IB Unit Planner

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