Weather Tool Challenge

Submitted by:Amy Robinson
School: Seven Pines Elementary


The Weather Instrument Challenge was designed to have students use 21st century skills to research, share information, and to learn about weather instruments while creating a model of a new weather instrument. Students will collaborate with each other using and share information as well as learn new facts from their classmates. Most of the sharing of research is done between students but some teacher guided questions will be integrated. This lesson should cover three science blocks, day one dedicated to student research, day two dedicated to collaboration of all students in the class, and beginning the weather instrument design challenge, and day 3 students will create their new weather tool based on real life scenerios and write a news report describing their new tool.

TIPC Ratings

Students will be given a list of teacher selected websites, textbooks, library books, student notebooks, and are asked to research an anemometer, barometer, thermometer, wind vane, and a rain gauge using any method they wish. Students may include any other tools they may come across while researching. Students will record information on a graphic organizer, which will inculude the use, a picture, and bonus facts of the instrument chosen.

. Students will collablorate with each other using and group members. They will share information and learn new facts from their classmates

Students need to think about what materials would best serve their project. The students will need to understand what type of weather is occuring, what instrument could be used for this type of weather, and finally, what type of instrument could be created to better serve the public to keep them safe and take precautions

Each student will create their own original weather instrument to be used for their scenerio. Short video clips will also be created to help others understand their creations.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Pixie Sample
  • Planning Sheet
  • Weather Situations
  • Todays Meet Link

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