Virtual Tour of Virginia Regions

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Submitted by: Beth Waggoner
School: Chamberlayne


This is a culminating activity for the Regions of Virginia. The teacher made QR codes for each tourist attraction from the five different regions. These were placed on a map. Students used the iPods and the app Red Laser to scan the QR code to send them to a website about their tourist attraction. In groups of three, the students used this information to write a “script” for their video which they filmed using Photo Booth.

TIPC Ratings

Developing – The student were provided with a variety of websites, via QR codes, for them to use to get information. They also had brochures from each attraction, so the students could get other information. They worked together to organize the information and worked on their script to get it down to one minute quick video.

Approaching – The students got to choose the attraction they wanted to research. In the groups they decided who was going to be the recorder and who was going to read the information. Then they practiced their script and made their video giving reasons for why a tourist visiting Virginia should come to their tourist attraction. They even worked on who was going to say what for each part of the video. Videos will be posted on the classroom blog and students will evaluate them using an online poll.

Approaching – students worked towards an authentic goal of persuading their classmates and the public to visit different tourist attractions. They had to decide which important facts to include in their one-minute video to make it most effective. They reflected on the process and products afterwards.

Students were able to chose which tourist attraction they wanted to advertise. They were encouraged to take risks and try new things. They could use pictures, props, and any other materials they thought were appropriate for their video. They created an authentic new product.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan (Pages)
  • 3 Student Sample Videos

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