Southeast Region Raps

Submitted by: Cody Lizotte, Jennifer Curfman
Collaborators: David Clough (ITRT)
School: Chamberlayne Elementary


Students research facts about the states in the southeast region of the USA. Using facts that are important and fit together, they will create a rap, song, or poem about this region. They can use Audacity or GarageBand to make their final recordings. The raps were posted to the classroom blog so students, parents, and others in the community could make comments on them.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching – students used a variety of research tools including Internet searches, the social studies textbook, and state books from the library. They decided which information was important and what would fit well with their song/rap.

Target – students chose their own groups and assigned each other roles. They worked together to create the script and make the digital recording. Songs were posted to the classroom blog for others to comment on. They evaluated themselves using a rubric.

Developing – students made decisions about which information to include and how to make it rhyme or flow together in a song/rap/poem format. They evaluated their own recordings and re-edited them.

Approaching – students chose which facts to include and whether to present the information as a rap, song, or poem. They chose between two digital tools for making the recording. They had creative license to embellish their songs with special effects and many went beyond the parameters of the assignment. Students evaluated each others’ projects on the blog.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan (PDF)
  • Student Guidelines (PDF)
  • 2 Student Samples

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