Submitted by: Beth Toy
School: Tuckahoe Elementary School
This lesson will teach students some basics about what pollution is doing to the Chesapeake Bay, why it is happening, and what can be done about it. The final product will be a student created Public Service Announcement to inform others of what is happening and what they can do to have an effect on their world.
TIPC Ratings
Ideal: This lesson scores in the low-end of the ideal domain of the TIP-C. Students are asked to assemble and synthesize information from a variety of sources (expert, scientific observation, digital, print) to address an authentic task. They they must use digital tools to powerfully interact with the information obtained.
Ideal: This lesson scores in the low-end of the ideal domain of the TIP-C. Students divide into groups according to area of interest and establish group norms, and organize roles to address an authentic task. They utilize digital tools to communicate with an expert on Chesapeake Bay conservation and further their research on the topic.
Ideal: This lesson scores in the low-end of the ideal domain of the TIP-C. Students choose from the digital tools available to them to solve the authentic task they are presented with. They worked as a group to solve the problems that arose as they worked on their products and thought critically to create a persuasive argument to their audience.
Ideal: This lesson scores in the low-end of the ideal domain of the TIP-C. Students are asked to synthesize existing knowledge of ecosystems in general and self-generated knowledge of the Chesapeake Bay specifically to create new ideas of conservation. They choose strategic risks that support innovation and reflect on both product and process.
Student Artifact
Download Files
Click here to download lesson files.
- Lesson Plan
- Current Event Assignment
- Current Event Rubric
- Student Samples