Fall Stories

Submitted by: Theresa Wilkes, Lori Bardon
School: Longdale Elementary


This lesson focused on Fall. The students were introduced to research using non-fiction books and readings. The students practiced the writing process by using a “web” to display fall facts that they have found, writing and editing rough drafts, and creating a final product. The students recorded their voices and all of the final Pixie projects were compiled and shared with the class.

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Teacher modeled strategies when using various resources that could be used to collect information for this lesson. Students had to use the information that they found in their final product.

Students worked in small groups to help each other with their writing and final products. The students had to construct sentences that clearly shared information on fall. The final product was produced to share the information that each student found during the research phase of the lesson.

The 1st grade students had to construct an illustration that clearly represented the sentences that they had composed.

All of the students used Pixie to create their final products. Each student created sentences and a unique illustration that represented their writing.

Student Artifact

Download Files

Click here to download lesson documents.

  • Lesson Plan
  • Exported examples.
  • Pixie example with recording.

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