Become a Biome Expert

Submitted by: Jason Burke
School: Holman Middle School


Mr. Burke’s 7th grade life science classes will be involved in an in-depth project dealing with a variety of Biomes & Ecosystems. For this project, the students will actually be the teachers! Each group will do research on a specific biome given to them. Research must include specific examples of ecosystems, communities, populations, and all the interaction that takes place among those groups within their biome. The students will be required to speak with an expert on their biome. This interaction can be through blogging, email, or video conferencing. They will teach the material to the class using appropriate digital media choices. The students will assess each group by the amount of knowledge they have gained from viewing the presentations.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching (video evidence provided in lesson development):
The teacher model keyword searching and the importance of comparing multiple sources to validate information. Students used a variety of search techniques to locate the required information/criteria outlined in the project expectations. Students developed questions for the expert conference to ensure they had all the required information for their project. Students shared good websites which was one way the teacher judged the types of websites they were using to gather information. Projects were required to have a bibliography as well. Once the first two days of research were complete group members were asked to rate each other and themselves based on our expectations of research.

Ideal (video evidence in lesson development):
Students identified the good and the bad of group work and developed rules to help create a positive and productive environment to complete the project. Although students were placed in teacher selected groups they were asked to decide on the roles so that each person completed equal parts of the work. Students decided that group meetings at the end of the day would assist with assigning work and keeping track of what has been completed. Students were told that everyone must have the work available in case someone was absent. They were able to decide how to share the information and this usually happened during the group meeting. Students also had to find an expert outside of the classroom to gather interesting facts about their Biome you may not find in basic research. Students chose the appropriate to digital tool to present their information to the class. Each member of the group reflected on their collaboration through their surveys and conversations with the teacher.

Approaching: Students were constantly problem solving how to work in groups and how to present their information in the most effective and creative way. Groups were constantly questioned throughout the process to allow students to elaborate on their creative decisions as well as what information they decided to include about their Biome. Students were asked to look at their Biome over a period of time and understand how the environment and organisms within the Biome and explain the significance of those changes. Students used a variety of digital tools to display food webs and energy pyramids so that other students would be able to understand the information presented. Students generated questions for their expert and some students were also questioning the groups after their presentations. The decisions made throughout the entire project, from what tool to use to present or what picture to use to best show the terrain, required critical thinking and compromise and/or problem solving.

Approaching: Each class discussed the project criteria with specific regards to being clear, neat, detailed, and concise. The creative portion of the rubric was also stressed to the class. Students reflected on what they liked when teachers presented to them and what they did not like to help make their presentations more dynamic. Students were asked to look at their Biome over a period of time and understand how the environment and organisms within the Biome and explain the significance of those changes. The student project was their opportunity to create an interesting and innovative presentation so other students could learn from their work.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan including teacher resource links
  • 2 Student Artifacts

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