Ancient Greece Video Game Proposal

Submitted by: Melissa Garber, Jessica Bowden, Danielle Clark, Andrew Clark
School: Highland Springs High School


Students generate an idea for an educational video game involving thirteen key Greek figures. They research the individuals and create special powers/abilities for each based on his/her historical contribution(s). Finally, students compile their research and idea to create a proposal for their game and present it to a “Game Consultant/Historical Expert.”

TIPC Ratings

Approaching – students use previously learned skills to research the key figures. This information is then compiled in groups and special powers are assigned according to their major contributions. Teachers assist students by providing clear expectations throughout the process. This score could be improved if students were to use a digital format to complete the research process such as google docs. This would allow students to clearly monitor contributions and fact check often.

Developing – students met with a pretend individual seeking help with a project. The teachers provided much of the structure for the assignment. Score could be increased if the students had continued to communicate with the pretend individual throughout the process through skype, google docs, or another digital media. Students could also reach out to people in the community or at the surrounding universities who create games.

Developing – students are presented with an authentic task and must work effectively within their groups in order to succeed. The addition of the special power ensures that students not only find the contributions of the key figures, but also determine how those contributions would transfer into a game that would be both entertaining and informative.

Approaching – Students apply previous research with new research to create a game that is entertaining and informative. No limits are put on the method of delivery for the proposal and students were encouraged to try new ways to present their ideas to the game creator.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Letter to Students
  • Character Chart
  • Video Game Rubric
  • Game Title Instructions

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